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 In only five months, the new General Data Protection Regulation, known in brief as GDPR, in German “EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung,” will come into effect. This will have a deep impact on the utmost technical and least transparent processes of the daily operations within your data center.

Concretely, the matter at hand is the transfer of system dumps and logs to software vendors by the operational teams of your data center for the purpose of any necessary error analysis, and the new cost-intensive risks given from May 25 onwards resulting from violating the GDPR by simply continuing this old best practice.

We allow ourselves to point toward SF-SafeDump, our top-performing, patented and fully- automatically working system dump and log anonymization solution, to sustainably solve this problem. The proven, current Version 5.1 contains everything you need for a secure anonymization of all diagnosis files, and works in an extremely cost-effective fashion (on the z/OS mainframe, for example, for up to 95% and more the CPU time is offloaded to zIIP; in total this means “no” CPU costs).