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Penetration Test

Trouble-free Mainframe Penetration Test

Our penetration test puts the security of your mainframe platform to the test and reveals just how impenetrable your systems are.

Allowing our specialists to penetrate your systems allows us to determine security gaps that make your company vulnerable. In addition to determining security gaps we also give you professional advice on how to remove those deficits quickly. Our penetration test gives you an easy evaluation of your current situation, and is also a good basis for introducing security and quality automation.

For more than a decade, the critical infrastructure sector has counted on our unique software solutions and services to both achieve and to maintain maximum security.

Your business advantages:

Analysis of your current situation and security level by professionals.
Perfect kick-off for introducing real security on your systems.

Why perform a z/OS penetration test at regular intervals? Because we offer a trouble-free penetration test as a simulation for a flat rate.


Your mainframe platform is finally actively protected to the max by our maximum security software SF-Sherlock – a single, integrated, plug & play auditing solution. SF-Sherlock’s all-inclusive real-time configuration and event auditing software does it all. It detects, verifies and/or blocks suspicious behavior, manipulation, and fraud in both the dynamic and static functions of your entire system.

During a z/OS penetration test, or “pen test”, we will check the vulnerability of your IT infrastructure as regards the z/OS mainframe platform. Any general concerns regarding a possible negative impact on the availability of your productive IT operation or higher costs are unfounded when you work with the right partner and method. The technology we have developed is a trouble-free penetration on a simulation basis that permits a deep security analysis without operational risks and the usual cost of time and money.

Our company is both the manufacturer of this market-leading security automation technology and the IT security service provider. Therefore, we can offer a z/OS penetration test at a special all-inclusive flat rate based on 5 man days.

Our company, our technology, our services, and our “value added”-based pricing have the references to prove themselves. Improving security and reducing costs are no longer contradictory.


Over the past several years, compliance has become more and more an important issue, but also a tedious task. Our SF solutions assist you in automating the resulting workload to the max by also covering the entire mainframe platform - thanks to a 360-degree approach.


With SF-Sherlock, you can also protect your mainframe platform against attacks and combat high-level risks. Thanks to our max approach this also includes malicious code and exploits. Yes, both of these are real risks on the mainframe platform!

SF Solutions

All SF solutions are invented and developed in-house. Therefore, you can count on both our unique expertise and our high level of motivation in providing you with solutions and services with maximum performance, effectiveness, and productivity.

Are you expecting a governmental audit of your mainframe platform soon, as
by the BaFin, ECB, or one of
the “Big Four”?

Let us help you prepare your mainframe security and compliance.

+800 - 37 333 853 or simply dial: +800 - DRFEDTKE

Call our world-wide toll-free number now!

(+ represents the prefix for international calls; in most countries it is 00, and you have to dial 00800-37333853; in the U.S. it corresponds to 011)

News & IT Security Forum

Further DORA and NIS-2 focused PTF level 095 for SF-Sherlock

SF-Sherlock’s new integration with z/OS System Automation further strengthens the DORA objective of maximum resilience. The new SF-Sherlock 2 System Automation integration kit makes linking event monitoring to the Z System Automation solution a simple process. This also makes the automation team an integral part of the line of defense around the mainframe. Please contact our support if you have not yet received the download link.

Worldwide toll-free phone number

+800 - 37 333 853
or simply dial:

+41 (0)41 710 7444

(+ represents the prefix for international calls; in most countries it is 00, and you have to dial 00800-37333853; in the U.S. it corresponds to 011, and you have to dial 011-800-37333853)

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