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Automate your

to the max.

We provide cyber security and compliance automation for critical infrastructures.

Behördenspiegel Video juristischer + technischer Vortrag: "Diagnose-Daten im öffentlichen Sektor" (10.10.2024)

The Digital Operational Resilience Acts (DORA, FINMA, NIS-2) explained: Online-Vorträge, PDFs, etc. und das ISACA Austria/Germany Recording vom 7.3.2024: IT-Diagnose-Daten - neues IT-Audit-Prüffeld, inkl. Prüfkatalog

DOWNLOAD Präsentation: "DORA-Readiness des Mainframes,  Sicherheits-Maßnahmen implementieren und Risiko-Prüfungen vorbereiten"

Live-Webcast mit RA Horst Speichert über "IT-Diagnose-Daten im Visier des Cybercrimes: Schutz durch Anonymisierung" vom 19.3.2024, hier gehts zum Recording

DOWNLOAD – IT-GOVERNANCE-Artikel (ISACA Germany Chapter): "Nach Microsoft-Schlüsel-Diebstahl aus Crash-Dump – neues IT-Audit-Prüfthema: IT-Diagnose-Daten" (Heft 38, Dez. 2023)

Heise-Webcast „Anonymisierung sensibler Daten im IT-Betrieb – Grundschutz für Dumps, Logs und Traces“ vom 28.9.2023, hier gehts zum Recording

INFO-VIDEO – kurz erklärt: Datenschutz-Risiko im IT-Betrieb stoppen – Anonymisierung von Dumps, Logs und Traces

DOWNLOAD DuD-Artikel "DSGVO-Haftungs- und Sicherheitsrisiken durch Protokoll- und Diagnosedaten im IT-Betrieb"  (DuD 04/2023)

DOWNLOAD Heise Security - News (07.09.2023): "Gestohlener Microsoft-Schlüssel stammte aus einem Crash-Dump"

DOWNLOAD – VersicherungsPraxis: "Cybercrime durch Microsoft Crash-Dump – IT-Diagnose-Daten
jetzt im Fokus von Cyberversicherung und Underwritern" (Heft 2, Dez. 2024)

DOWNLOAD– ZIR - Zeitschrift für Interne Revision: "Umgang mit IT-Diagnose-Daten" (Heft 01.2024)

About Us

Over 20 Years of Experience

Our company operates worldwide, and is proud to look back on over 20 years of experience in the fields of IT security, IT auditing, IT compliance and IT forensics.

Protecting Critical Infrastructures

For more than 20 years, we have helped our customers to safeguard mission-critical data and applications. protects the critical infrastructure of important institutions, including financial, insurance, healthcare, educational, communications, utilities, transportation and government agencies.


Over the past several years, compliance has become more and more an important issue, but also a tedious task. Our SF solutions assist you in automating the resulting workload to the max by also covering the entire mainframe platform - thanks to a 360-degree approach.


With SF-Sherlock, you can also protect your mainframe platform against attacks and combat high-level risks. Thanks to our max approach this also includes malicious code and exploits. Yes, both of these are real risks on the mainframe platform!

SF Solutions

All SF solutions are invented and developed in-house. Therefore, you can count on both our unique expertise and our high level of motivation in providing you with solutions and services with maximum performance, effectiveness, and productivity.

Are you expecting a governmental audit of your mainframe platform soon, as
by the BaFin, ECB, or one of
the “Big Four”?

Let us help you prepare your mainframe security and compliance.

+800 - 37 333 853 or simply dial: +800 - DRFEDTKE

Call our world-wide toll-free number now!

(+ represents the prefix for international calls; in most countries it is 00, and you have to dial 00800-37333853; in the U.S. it corresponds to 011)

Cyber Security


Cyber security risks are not deterred from the mainframe. It’s simply too connected to remain invisible and unreachable to hackers and others with bad intentions. You would be very much surprised to see the large number of highly-skilled specialists who are engaged in challenging the security and safety of a mainframe.



Since our compliance automation solutions have been invented and developed in-house, we definitely know what is necessary to comply with all the many different regulations, and how compliance monitoring can be automated to the max.

SF Solution Support


We would be happy to fully assist you to efficiently as well as effectively implement and operate all the SF solutions you use.

Forensic & Emergency


Just in case! If your installation is the victim of any kind of internal or external attack, we are on stand-by to assist you in analyzing, fixing and managing the given situation. Thanks to our unique expertise, we know how to handle any situation. 

Trainings to the max.

Training Services

Our individualized training will make your teams strong and competent in all relevant fields. Just let us know your demands and we will prepare the required knowledge transfer for you.

Watch our recorded webinar

System Dump and Log Anonymization with SF-SafeDump


Whenever systems or applications run into problems, they create system dumps and related logs. Exchanging these dumps and logs with software vendors has been standard practice for decades. But is it safe and compliant ?

Watch our recorded webinar to learn all you need to know to address this threat in an easy, comprehensive and cost-effective way.

News & IT Security Forum

Further DORA and NIS-2 focused PTF level 095 for SF-Sherlock

SF-Sherlock’s new integration with z/OS System Automation further strengthens the DORA objective of maximum resilience. The new SF-Sherlock 2 System Automation integration kit makes linking event monitoring to the Z System Automation solution a simple process. This also makes the automation team an integral part of the line of defense around the mainframe. Please contact our support if you have not yet received the download link.

Worldwide toll-free phone number

+800 - 37 333 853
or simply dial:

+41 (0)41 710 7444

(+ represents the prefix for international calls; in most countries it is 00, and you have to dial 00800-37333853; in the U.S. it corresponds to 011, and you have to dial 011-800-37333853)

Find Us


Seestrasse 3a, 6300 Zug, Switzerland

Visitors & Training

Dammstrasse 19, 6301 Zug, Switzerland

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